Appare!'s Kudo Noka to Graduate for Dental Dreams

Appare!'s Kudo Noka to Graduate for Dental Dreams

Kudo Noka of Appare! revealed her decision to leave the group to pursue her dream of becoming a dental hygienist. 

Her last performance with Appare! is set for April 1, marking the end of her entertainment career.

Kudo Noka shared her thoughts in a handwritten note, saying, “Performing at the Budokan was a dream come true, but I couldn’t ignore my passion for becoming a dental hygienist.”

Appare!’s Kudo Noka Announces Graduation Plans

The group recently rocked the Nippon Budokan stage on January 29 during their concert, "Appare! Yattare Budokan Zettai! Tamanegi Itadakimasu!" 

Despite balancing her studies at a vocational school and performing with Appare!, Kudo has decided to focus entirely on her new path.

Fans are set to bid farewell to Kudo during her graduation performance, promising an emotional send-off for the beloved member.

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