Barbie Hsu’s Mum Asks for Privacy in Taiwan Return

Barbie Hsu’s Mum Asks for Privacy in Taiwan Return

Barbie Hsu’s sudden passing in Japan has left her family and fans in deep mourning. 

The late actress’s family is currently dealing with administrative procedures to bring her body back to Taiwan, delaying their return home.

In a statement shared by Wang Weizhong via Taiwanese media, Barbie Hsu’s mother, known as S Mama, expressed her grief and asked the public for space. 

She explained that the family is too heartbroken to respond to calls or gestures from fans at the moment.

S Mama also made a heartfelt request for respect and understanding during this difficult time. 

She reminded everyone of Barbie’s lifelong concern over the dangers caused by paparazzi pursuits, often risking safety.

She urged the media and fans not to engage in excessive coverage or chase after the procession when her daughter’s body is transported to Taiwan.

“This was her biggest wish, something she never got during her life. I truly hope this time, everyone can honour her and grant her peace,” she said.

Barbie Hsu’s untimely passing has caused heartbreak across Asia, leaving an irreplaceable void for her loved ones and fans.

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