BlingOne's 2nd Unit to Drop 'Bubble Gum' Soon

BlingOne's 2nd Unit to Drop 'Bubble Gum' Soon

BlingOne is turning heads as their 2nd unit, made up entirely of Chinese members, gears up for its debut. 

The group will drop their single Bubble Gum on 13th February at 12 PM KST.

The group was formed through the survival show Click the Star, with an ambitious plan to create 32 K-pop girl groups under the same name across 32 countries.

To build excitement, BlingOne has rolled out a detailed roadmap leading up to the debut:

  • 7th Feb: Hello, We Are BlingOne!
  • 8th Feb: Album Concept Photo #1
  • 10th Feb: Album Concept Photo #2
  • 11th Feb: Bubble Gum M/V Teaser #1
  • 12th Feb: BlingOne Debut Showcase
  • 12th Feb: Bubble Gum Concept Film #1

Fans are eagerly counting down the days to finally hear Bubble Gum

Will this new unit live up to the hype? Stay tuned for their debut!

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