Chantel Yiu Graduates, Preps for TVB and Music Shows

Chantel Yiu Graduates High School, Shines on TVB Show

Chantel Yiu Graduates High School, Shines on TVB Show

Chantel Yiu, the 18-year-old Hong Kong singer, has had a remarkable year. 

After graduating with high distinction from her Auckland high school in December, she’s been juggling multiple exciting projects. 

Aside from landing a role in TVB’s Come Home Love: Lo and Behold, Yiu has also made a guest appearance on the Chinese musical variety show Infinity and Beyond 聲生不息‧大灣區季

Though the show is yet to air, a sneak peek shared by host Alex Fong reveals Yiu’s radiant presence on set.

Chantel Yiu Graduates

Known for her sweet, pretty girl image as a graduate of TVB’s Stars Academy and a member of Cantopop group After Class, Yiu recently embraced a more mature style for her Infinity and Beyond appearance. 

Sporting a red dress, white shirt, and bold red lips, she surprised fans with her new look. 

Some fans were initially taken aback by the heavy makeup, while others applauded her for experimenting with fresh styles at such a young age.

Chantel Yiu shared her pride in graduating high school, stating that exams were particularly challenging. 

With aspirations to study in the US, she’s also been accepted into three major universities in Hong Kong, making the choice between staying local or venturing abroad an exciting one.

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