Cosmo et! ♡.cute Unveils New Members for Redebut

Cosmo et! ♡.cute Unveils New Members for Redebut

J-pop idol group Cosmo et! ♡.cute is making a fresh start with a brand-new lineup! 

The group has officially announced its redebut members: Dokuringo Riri, Aimaru Uta, Kurusu Fuyuna, and Satsuki Ruka

Their big day is set for 22 February 2025, so fans won’t have to wait much longer!

Originally formed in August 2023, Cosmo et! ♡.cute was born from the final three members of ʚKyun♡Missionɞ after the group went on hiatus. 

Since then, the group has seen a few lineup changes, but now they're ready to make a grand return.

Dokuringo Riri remains the only founding member still in the group, while Aimaru Uta joined in April 2024

Newcomers Kurusu Fuyuna and Satsuki Ruka both officially joined on 1 February 2025, just in time for their redebut.

The group has had its fair share of member changes over the past year. 

Former members include Nanase Nonno, Yukai Yuuka, Takanashi Reia, and Himena Yumemi, who all left at different points in 2024. 

But with this new lineup, Cosmo et! ♡.cute is ready to take on 2025 with a fresh start!

Fans are already excited to see what the group has in store for their redebut on 22 February. Will they bring a new sound? A new concept? One thing’s for sure—it’s a new beginning for Cosmo et! ♡.cute!

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