DeNA Players Caught in Shocking High-Five Scandal

DeNA Players Caught in Shocking High-Five Scandal

Some insane stuff there lads, things are heating up in the Yokohama DeNA BayStars fandom right now, and not in a good way. 

A video from a high-five fan event has set the internet ablaze with fans calling out some seriously dodgy behaviour from the players.

So here’s the gist. At a fan meet in Okinawa, DeNA players lined up for a good ol’ high-five session with supporters. 

It’s all smiles and handshakes until it’s the turn of Azuma Junpei, Kajiwara Kouki, and Chino Naoto. 

Apparently, Azuma sees a familiar face and admits she’s a “mate.” 

Harmless? Not for long.

Kajiwara pokes the bear with a cheeky “Know her well?” but it’s Chino’s quip that tipped the scales. 

The guy casually asks, “Did you smash?”—and not once, but repeatedly. 

Yup, full-on banter in front of paying fans. 

It’s all caught on tape and uploaded online, clocking up millions of views and sparking a storm of backlash.

Fans aren’t holding back. 

They’re roasting the players for their lack of professionalism and, frankly, common sense. 

Comments like “You’re pros, act like it!” and “Imagine what the owner would say about this!” are all over social media.

This isn’t the first scandal for the team either. 

Just last month, pitcher Katsuki Azuma faced major heat for his affair with an A-V actress. 

He even wiped his socials clean, but the damage was done.

The club has stepped in, confirming they’ve had a word with the players about their reckless talk. 

A formal apology has been issued, and the players are said to be “deeply reflecting.”

But come on, if their minds are still stuck on “who did what,” how are they supposed to focus on defending their championship title? Fans are right to be miffed. It’s not just about the game—it’s about respect.

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