Drifting Away Hits Big, Zhao Jinmai's Role Gets Rave Reviews

Drifting Away Hits Big, Zhao Jinmai's Role Gets Rave Reviews

Drifting Away (漂白) is quickly becoming a hit, surpassing 10,000 views in no time. 

The suspenseful crime drama, part of iQiyi's Light On initiative, achieved this milestone despite minimal promotion. 

After a few disappointing offerings, iQiyi’s Light On project seems to have regained its momentum.

The series features Guo Jingfei as the determined investigator Peng Zhao Lin, who embarks on a decade-long chase to capture a ruthless criminal gang led by Wang Qianyuan’s character, Deng Ligang. 

Angel Zhao Jinmai, playing the role of Zhen Zhen, stands out with her powerful performance. 

The 22-year-old actress impresses audiences with her portrayal of vulnerability and courage, particularly during a harrowing kidnapping scene where she conveys immense emotional depth.

Zhao's versatility, moving from historical romance in The Princess Royal to this intense drama, highlights her growing talent. 

However, Drifting Away has not been without controversy. The show’s screenwriter, Chen Ping, is facing plagiarism allegations from investigative journalist Wang Luanfeng, who claims the storyline is derived from his 2012 report on a brutal murder case. 

Chen has defended her work, stating the works are independent, and the case’s details are widely available and not subject to copyright.

Despite the scandal, Drifting Away continues to dominate viewership, with Zhao Jinmai's performance garnering widespread praise."

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