Ex-HKT48 Komori Yui Married and Welcomed a Baby

Ex-HKT48 Komori Yui Married and Welcomed a Baby

Komori Yui, a former member of HKT48's first generation, has shared wonderful personal news—she’s now married and recently gave birth to her first child.

Fans might remember her as part of HKT48’s debut group, but she stepped away from the idol world after only a year. 

Since then, she’s been active as a livestreamer, staying connected with her supporters in a different way.

Through an official statement, Komori expressed her gratitude to fans:

"I am thrilled to announce that I have married and safely delivered a new life. I shared this news directly during a recent livestream and was overwhelmed by the warm words from everyone. From being an idol to a livestreamer, and now a mother, I will continue growing while appreciating your support."

She also said she’s starting this new chapter of her life as a mother with determination and hopes fans will continue to cheer her on.

Fans across social media have been sending their congratulations, celebrating this exciting new beginning for Komori Yui.

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