From Fangirl to Wife: X-NINE's Zhao Lei marries QKo

From Fangirl to Wife: X-NINE's Zhao Lei marries QKo

X-NINE member Zhao Lei dropped a bombshell today, revealing he’s married internet celeb QKo. 

But here’s the twist — QKo wasn’t just some random influencer. She used to be Zhao Lei’s ultimate fan back in the day.

Since 2016, QKo had been rooting for him hardcore, voting during competitions and showing up at his offline events like a true ride-or-die fan. 

QKo Ray Zhao Lei Marriage

But in 2019, she mysteriously closed her fan account. 

Turns out, she was transitioning from a fan to something... bigger.

CNetz are losing it, calling her the ultimate “star-chaser.” 

Fan Marries Idol: Zhao Lei Ties Knot with Ex-Superfan

“Her efforts paid off,” one commented, while another joked, “We need a guidebook for this kind of success!” 

Others are side-eyeing the situation, calling it a “fanservice romance.”

No word yet from QKo or Zhao Lei on how their love story unfolded, but this unexpected twist has fans and the internet buzzing. 

One thing’s for sure — this couple just rewrote the rulebook on idol-fan relationships!

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