GCiB's Aicha Announces Graduation to Focus on Studies

GCiB's Aicha Announces Graduation

Sad news for GCiB fans—Aicha has announced her graduation from the group. After just seven months, she’s decided to step away to focus on her studies.

Aicha, who joined GCiB in June 2024, expressed how tough this decision was. 

In her heartfelt message, she thanked her supporters and fellow members for making her time in the group unforgettable.

Her departure was confirmed by GCiB’s management, who shared that Aicha had been struggling to balance music and school. 

They also mentioned that her last performance is still under discussion.

Fans have until 4th February to purchase Aicha’s official merchandise before it gets discontinued.

Despite her short time in GCiB, Aicha’s presence was deeply felt. 

Her love for music, idols, and games made her a bright and beloved member of the group.

With GCiB's concept of showing both adorable idol charm and raw human emotions, Aicha perfectly embodied that spirit.

Now, as she steps into a new chapter, fans are sending her nothing but love and encouragement. While it’s sad to see her go, her future shines just as brightly as her time in GCiB.

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