Gingle Wang and Boyfriend Tsao Yu-ning Spark Buzz at Disney

Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning Celebrate Love at Disney

Gingle Wang's Birthday at Disneyland Sparks Talk

So, Taiwanese actress Gingle Wang just turned 27 and decided to do it big at Disneyland Hong Kong! 

The real headline? 

She was there with her boyfriend, actor Tsao Yu-ning, even if they didn't snap selfies together. 

Gingle Wang and Boyfriend Tsao yu-ning

Both of them dropped photos from their Disneyland adventure on social media, but come on, we all know who’s behind those adorable shots—relationship goals much?

Gingle posted a photo of herself beaming in front of the iconic Sleeping Beauty’s castle, casually captioning it, “just turned 27 on February 7.” 

Cute, right? 

Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning Celebrate Love at Disney

But drama struck when her birthday cake hit the ground after some kid accidentally knocked it over. 

The mum apologised, but Gingle Wang trying to keep her cool while fighting tears, didn’t say much at the time. 

No worries though—a birthday croissant saved the day!

The couple officially confirmed they were dating back in 2023 after getting spotted shopping during Lunar New Year. 

Fun fact: they met through their boxing coach! A relationship born from punches and jabs? Iconic.

Fans are loving this low-key but sweet Disneyland celebration, but the lack of couple photos has people debating online—privacy or PR move? 

Either way, these two seem to be living their best lives!

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