Hamabe Minami's Instagram Mystery Resolved!

Hamabe Minami's Instagram Mystery Resolved!

Alright, so here's the tea: Japanese actress Minami Hamabe had her Instagram vanish into thin air recently, leaving her fans scratching their heads. 

But don’t worry—it’s all good now!

This morning, Hamabe Minami popped onto X (formerly Twitter, yeah, we know, confusing) to spill the beans. 

She kicked things off with an apology for the chaos, saying she had no clue what happened. 

Nope, she didn’t delete it herself. It just poofed

Apparently, the reason’s still a mystery, but she reassured everyone she’s totally fine and full of energy. 

Oh, and she threw in a cute pic of her dog because... why not?

Fans were in full panic mode, speculating everything from glitches to, well, who-knows-what. 

But just when things were getting dramatic, Hamabe Minami came back hours later with the ultimate relief post: “The Instagram account seems to have been restored! Thank you so much!”

So yeah, crisis averted. Hamabe Minami’s back on the ‘gram, her dog’s adorable, and the world can breathe easy again.

What even was that?

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