Hirasawa Yume & Kawai Puni to Graduate from Paradeeq

Hirasawa Yume & Kawai Puni to Graduate from Paradeeq

Alright, Paradeeq fans, brace yourselves! Two of the group’s shining stars, Hirasawa Yume and Kawai Puni, are set to bid farewell on 23 March 2025. 

The announcement came with bittersweet vibes, but there’s a silver lining – Paradeeq is gearing up for a fresh start in April with new members joining the squad.

For those unfamiliar, Kawai Puni, formerly known as Kawai Hana, has had quite the journey. 

From leading Bokura no Switch to dazzling in Paradeeq and HEROINES, she’s been a vibrant presence in the idol scene. 

With her love for sushi, Disney, and all things Hinatazaka46, she’s definitely a fan-favourite.

On the other hand, Hirasawa Yume has also left her mark, joining Paradeeq last year after being a founding member of Ice Nuts. 

Her bubbly charm and Sagittarius energy will surely be missed by fans.

Paradeeq’s management expressed gratitude for the duo, respecting their decision to move on to new adventures. 

The group promises an exciting new chapter post-March with a revamped lineup.

Mark your calendars for their farewell performance at SHIBUYA VIDENT – it’s going to be an emotional ride. 

What’s next for Yume and Puni? Only time will tell, but their legacy in Paradeeq will undoubtedly remain unforgettable.

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