Kaman Kong Bids Farewell to TVB After 9 Years

Kaman Kong Bids Farewell to TVB After 9 Years

"It’s Just the Beginning" - Kaman Kong Bids Farewell to TVB After 9 Years, Steps Into New Chapter.

TVB actress Kaman Kong has officially announced her departure from the network after nearly a decade. 

The 30-year-old star, who has been a familiar face on TVB for the past nine years, is stepping out of her comfort zone to explore new opportunities.

In an emotional post on social media, Kaman reflected on her journey, calling it a time filled with gratitude, growth, and precious memories. 

“Not only was it my workplace, but it was also where I grew and learned my craft as an actress. I’ve encountered so many unforgettable experiences and people,” she wrote. 

Kaman Kong Leaves TVB, Ready for New Adventures

“This journey has taught me a lot, from improving my acting skills to valuable life lessons.”

Kaman didn’t forget to express her heartfelt appreciation to those who supported her along the way. 

She extended her thanks to producers, directors, screenwriters, production teams, and makeup artists, acknowledging their contributions to her career. 

“Through your hard work, I was able to showcase my talent on screen,” she said.

She also gave a special mention to TVB executive director Catherina Tsang, whom she affectionately called “Sister Tsang,” for always supporting her and allowing her to seek guidance whenever needed. 

She thanked producer Kwan Wing-chung for giving her the opportunity to show audiences the real Kaman Kong and expressed deep gratitude to producer Joe Chan for standing by her side during her lowest moments.

Though she is saying goodbye to TVB, Kaman Kong assured her fans that this is not the end but a fresh start. 

“A brand-new Kaman Kong will continue to bring you more surprises and touching moments. I look forward to meeting you all again soon,” she wrote.

Her departure marks the end of a significant chapter, but with her talent and passion, it’s clear that Kaman is ready to embark on new adventures. Fans are eager to see where her next steps will take her.

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