Kitsune Project’s &CUTE: Fresh Start or Nostalgia Trip?

Kitsune Project’s &CUTE: Fresh Start or Nostalgia Trip?

The buzz is real! Meet &CUTE, Tokyo's freshest idol group, set to drop jaws and dominate the J-pop scene. 

Announced today, their line-up is a killer mix of talent, colours, and fan-favourite vibes.

Rocking the group are Akane Yuhi (Red), Amano Maina (Purple), Maki Shino (Green), Narumi Yuyu (Light Blue), and Momose Riyu (Pink). 

These five are all set to make their big debut in March 2025 under Kitsune Project.

But wait, here's the spicy bit – three of the members are ex-Amulet A Mute idols

If you know, you know. 

The group's a spiritual successor to the disbanded act, and fans are not holding back their theories.

And here’s the wild card: one of the members (guess who?) is already a social media celeb. 

Yup, they're not just idols—they’re influencers, too. 

This mix of stardom, fandom, and idol magic is causing a stir across platforms.

Based in Tokyo, &CUTE is already associated with the now-legendary Amulet A Mute

Fans are ready, haters are brewing tea, and the stage is set for March 2025 to be iconic.

Will they live up to the hype? One thing’s for sure—&CUTE isn’t here to play.

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