Kucci Debuts with 'True Beauty' Movie Theme Song

Kucci Debuts with 'True Beauty' Movie Theme Song

Kucci, a 20-year-old newbie singer-songwriter, is making her big debut by performing the theme song for the movie Megami Korin (True Beauty), set to drop in two parts. 

Part one, True Beauty: Before High School Debut, lands on 20th March, and part two, True Beauty: After Proposal, follows on 1st May.

True Beauty is a live-action take on the smash-hit South Korean webcomic but with a Japanese twist. 

It tells the tale of Reina Tanigawa, a plain Jane who becomes a “goddess” thanks to her ace makeup skills. 

Reina’s played by Kōki, with Keisuke Watanabe and Keito Tsuna taking on the roles of her love interests.

Newcomer Kucci to Sing 'True Beauty' Theme

Fans will also see Emi Suzuki as Selena, a charismatic makeup artist who inspires Reina, and Kenjiro Tsuda as Takao Kanda, one of the boys’ dads. 

Fun fact: This is Suzuki’s first film appearance in nearly two decades.

Kucci, a self-confessed fan of the original manga, poured her heart into writing the theme song Tokimeki (Heartbeat), which she created after reading the film’s script. 

She also penned Tokubetsu Nante (Nothing Special), sung by one of the film’s characters, Yū Igarashi.

Kucci’s Tokimeki will be out digitally on 20th March, marking her major debut. 

Newcomer Kucci to Sing 'True Beauty' Theme

The track is all about embracing insecurities while chasing the ideal version of yourself. 

Speaking about her work, Kucci said, “I wanted this song to be more than just bright and poppy. I wanted it to reflect Reina’s struggles and show her journey of not giving up on herself.”

Kucci even met lead actress Kōki and had a great time bonding with her. 

“She’s so warm and genuine; it made me love the film even more,” she shared.

Fans of True Beauty are hyped to see Kucci shine in her debut, alongside the movie’s dazzling cast and story.

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