Mew Suppasit Invites Fans to Celebrate at 'Mewtropolis'

Mew Suppasit Invites Fans to Celebrate at 'Mewtropolis'

Mew Suppasit is gearing up for his birthday bash, and he’s inviting all his fans to join him in celebrating at “MEWTROPOLIS SPECIAL B DAY WITH YOU”. 

The multi-talented singer and actor is turning 34 this year, and he’s promised an unforgettable experience.

The event will take place on Saturday, February 22nd, at the KBank Siam Pic-Ganesha Theatre with two shows at 14:00 and 19:00. 

Ticket prices range from 6,900 to 3,500 baht, with a live streaming option for the 19:00 show priced at 999 baht. 

มิวศุภศิษฏ์ Mew Suppasit Mewtopolis

Tickets are already available on Eventpop.

Speaking about the event, MewSuppasit shared, “This year, both my team and I put a lot of thought into it. I’ve been holding events every year, and I didn’t want the themes to repeat. I wanted to do something new, something I’ve never done before. After a lot of brainstorming, we came up with ‘Mewtropolis’, or simply ‘Mew City’, a city of happiness for all Mewlions. Everything in the city – the people, the shops, and the businesses – will revolve around Mew. I’m confident that fans will love the concept. As you can see from the poster, I’ll be playing multiple roles throughout the day. There’ll be smiles, laughs, and memorable moments for sure. Oh, and there’s a surprise guest lineup, with different special guests for both sessions. I can’t give too much away, but it’s going to be epic!

Fans can expect a fun-filled day with lots of surprises and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss out!

Source: MGR Online

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