Nagashima Rio Nogizaka46 6th Gen Member from Hokkaido

Nagashima Rio Nogizaka46 6th Gen Member from

Nogizaka46 has just introduced Nagashima Rio, a 17-year-old from Kagoshima Prefecture, as the 5th member of their highly anticipated a total of 11 for 6th generation lineup. 

Rio Nagashima is also the final member from the Harugumi (Spring) team, which consists of five new faces.

Nagashima Rio Nogizaka46 Wallpaper

The 6th generation includes 11 fresh talents split into two teams: the Harugumi team of five members and the Natsugumi (Summer) team of six members. 

Each member’s profile is being revealed daily on the group’s YouTube channel, “Nogizaka Haishinchuu,” at 11:00 JST. 

Fans have already met Yada Moeka, Setoguchi Mitsuki, Kawabata Hina, Kaibe Akari, and now Nagashima Rio over the past five days.

Rio Nagashima Nogizaka46 6th Gen Member

Nagashima Rio profile video features her captivating smile, which has already left fans buzzing with excitement for her J-Pop career. 

Social media is flooded with positive comments, with Nogizaka46’s official accounts seeing a surge in engagement.

長嶋凛桜 Nogizaka46 Nagashima Rio Wallpaper

Fans are eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the Natsugumi team members, starting tomorrow, as this new generation promises to bring a fresh wave of talent and charm to the group.

Harugumi Nogizaka46 6th Gen, all unveiled!

Harugumi Nogizaka46 6th Gen Members

Little fun fact
・The 4th member from Hokkaido in Nogizaka46 (Hashimoto Nanami from 1st gen, Kitano Hinako from 2nd gen, Kanagawa Saya from 4th gen), and the 5th overall in the Sakamichi Group (Fujishima Kaho: Hinatazaka46 4th gen).

・Her introduction clip was filmed in Sapporo.

Mark your calendars—these rising stars are the future of J-Pop. 

Nagashima Rio Nogizaka46 Video:

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