Non Sweet’s Miyu & Emily Announce Graduation

Non Sweet’s Miyu & Emily Announce Graduation

Big news for Non Sweet fans—Miyu and Emily have announced their graduation from the group. 

Their final performance will take place at a special concert on 13 April 2025.

Non Sweet, a J-pop idol group based in Canada, shared the news through an official statement, thanking both members for their hard work and dedication over the years. 

Having been part of the group since its early days, Miyu and Emily have built strong connections with fans and helped shape Non Sweet’s journey.

In their statement, the group expressed sadness over their departure but wished them success in their future endeavours. 

They also asked fans to continue supporting Non Sweet as they move forward.

The group was formed in December 2020, aiming to inspire and bring joy through a unique J-pop experience. 

While Miyu and Emily will be deeply missed, their impact on the group and its fans will always be remembered.

Details about the graduation concert will be announced soon, so fans should stay tuned for updates.

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