Perfume’s ‘Human Factory’ set for digital release

Perfume’s ‘Human Factory’ set for digital release

Perfume is gearing up to drop their new track "Human Factory -Denzo Ningen-" on 7 February, serving as the theme song for Hiroshi Abe's suspense film Showtime Seven.

The lyrics mention a “tamed cat”, which ties into Abe's character, Shinnosuke Orimoto, a former top news anchor who unwillingly gets caught in a major crisis. 

The choreography even features a move called "cat tying a tie", mirroring the character's struggles.

Showtime Seven is a thriller set inside a TV station where a bomb threat unfolds live. 

Orimoto, once the face of the national programme Showtime 7, is suddenly thrown into the role of negotiator, forced to talk directly with the terrorists.

Perfume isn’t just delivering the theme song—they’ll also appear in the movie as themselves, adding an extra layer of excitement for fans.

With their signature electronic pop sound and captivating choreography, Perfume’s latest track is set to amplify the tension of Showtime Seven while adding their unique touch to the film’s intense atmosphere.

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