Pixel Ribbon Members Unveiled Ahead of Debut

Pixel Ribbon Unveils Debut Line-Up, Debut Set for March

Pixel Ribbon Unveils Debut Line-Up, Debut Set for March

The wait’s over, folks! Pixel Ribbon, the freshest J-Pop idol group, has just dropped their debut line-up, and it’s looking mega cute.

Meet the six members: Hashimoto Meguna (green), Hayama Shizuku (blue), Tachibana Hina (yellow), Kano Nanami (pink), Kurosaki Moe (red), and Mashiro Mio (purple). 

Each rocking their own colour and vibe, they’re ready to shine!

This six-member squad officially formed on 8 February 2025, and their big debut is locked in for 30 March 2025. 

Not only that, but they’re being produced by Enapi and Yuupiman—so you know it’s going to be good.

Pixel Ribbon’s website is already live, with artist photos to get everyone hyped. Make sure to check it out at pixelribbon.com.

Their Cinderella story is just beginning—don’t miss the magic!

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