Rika Shimakura to Graduate from BEYOOOOONDS

Rika Shimakura to Graduate from BEYOOOOONDS

BEYOOOOONDS' Rika Shimakura to Graduate This Spring!

BEYOOOOONDS member Rika Shimakura has announced her graduation from the group and Hello! Project following their upcoming spring concert tour. 

The news was revealed on 31 January through the official website, confirming her plans to pursue further studies abroad and continue her music career.

Shimakura Rika expressed her gratitude for the past six years, reflecting on her time in BEYOOOOONDS as a period filled with joy and valuable experiences. 

She emphasised how the group's supportive atmosphere helped her discover new dreams and aspirations.

As she prepares to graduate, Rika Shimakura shared her deep love for Showa-era songs and Japanese pop music, stating her desire to sing them in the future. 

She also aims to expand her knowledge by studying English and experiencing different cultures through overseas education.

"I want to broaden my perspective, learn new things, and use this experience to enhance my future activities," she stated, reaffirming her commitment to her artistic journey. 

Despite leaving BEYOOOOONDS, she will continue her entertainment career, hoping to bring her love for music to an even wider audience.

She concluded her message by thanking fans, encouraging them to continue supporting both her and BEYOOOOONDS.

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