Sandra Ng Becomes a Foster Mum for Abandoned Babies

Sandra Ng Becomes a Foster Mum for Abandoned Babies

Sandra Ng Kwan-yue, the iconic Hong Kong actress known for her hilarious roles and collaborations with Stephen Chow, has taken on a new role that’s warmed everyone’s hearts. 

At 59, the award-winning star, who’s also dabbled in directing and producing, has become a foster mum.

Sandra Ng and her partner, renowned director Peter Chan, share an 18-year-old daughter, Jilian. 

Though their family of three seems perfectly content, Sandra clearly has even more love to give.

Recently, Hong Kong media revealed that Sandra Ng has been fostering a newborn who was given up for adoption. 

The baby hasn’t found a permanent home yet, so families like Sandra’s have stepped up to provide temporary care.

Fans are praising her for taking on this meaningful role, proving once again why she’s adored both on and off-screen. 

Whether it’s through her work or personal life, Sandra Ng continues to inspire and set an example for everyone.

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