Sasaki Mona & Mokumo Meiko to Graduate from Yurutto Kakumeidan

Sasaki Mona & Mokumo Meiko to Graduate from Yurutto Kakumeidan

Big changes are coming to Yurutto Kakumeidan, as members Sasaki Mona and Mokumo Meiko will be leaving the group on 1 March 2025. 

The announcement was made through an official statement, thanking fans for their support.

Sasaki Mona has been with the group since 20 April 2021. 

Her time as a member will come to an end after almost four years. Mokumo Meiko, who previously performed as Hisui Mei in Neat and clean, joined Yurutto Kakumeidan on 8 August 2022.

The group originally started with five members back in 2015 and is currently operating with six. 

The final live performance for the two departing members has been confirmed, but details are yet to be announced.

With only a short time left before their departure, fans are expected to cherish the remaining moments with Sasaki and Mokumo. 

Yurutto Kakumeidan will continue as a group, but their lineup is about to change once again.

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