Shen Yue and Gao Zhiting Reunite in "Liu Zi Mei"

Shen Yue and Gao Zhiting Reunite in "Liu Zi Mei"

It feels like just yesterday we saw Shen Yue and Gao Zhiting as the lovable couple in A Love So Beautiful back in 2017. 

Hard to believe it's been eight years, but they're back together on screen in the family drama Liu Zi Mei, which airs this February 3, 2025. 

Set in 1960s China, the series focuses on the struggles of six sisters, and Shen Yue and Gao Zhiting are bringing their A Love So Beautiful chemistry into their new roles. 

Shen Yue steps into the role of the younger He Jiali, while Gao Zhiting portrays Tang Weimin, her first love. 

Their love story isn’t smooth sailing, though, with family conflicts and long-held grudges threatening to tear them apart. 

This reunion promises to tug at the heartstrings of fans who still remember the chemistry between the pair. 

The show’s rich family drama, mixed with nostalgia, is sure to draw in old and new fans alike. 

Catch it on CCTV-1 and Tencent during the Lunar New Year holidays.

Will their love story finally have a happy ending? Guess we’ll have to wait and see!

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