SKE48 Takes Action Against Online Harassment

SKE48 Takes Action Against Online Harassment

SKE48 Warns Fans Over Online Abuse Towards Members

SKE48 management has had enough of the slander and harassment their members have been facing on social media. 

In an official statement, they made it clear that abusive behaviour won’t be tolerated and could lead to legal consequences.

Recently, members have been receiving an increasing amount of defamatory comments and harassment online. 

The management pointed out that such actions not only harm the members but also disrupt the fan community.

The statement emphasised that excessive criticism, slander, or personal attacks could be considered defamation, and if necessary, legal steps would be taken. 

This includes reporting offenders to the police or pursuing civil and criminal actions.

Management also warned that any behaviour amounting to obstruction of business, defamation, or privacy invasion would be dealt with strictly. 

They urged fans to be mindful of their words and actions, reminding them that their support is crucial for SKE48’s continued success.

While addressing the issue, the management also thanked fans who continue to support the group and called for a more positive online environment.

SKE48’s statement serves as a strong message to those engaging in online abuse—harassment won’t be ignored, and actions will be taken to ensure the members’ safety.

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