Snow Man Shota Watanabe's Uplifting MV 'Otononaruhoe' Shines

Shota Watanabe's Uplifting MV 'Otononaruhoe' Shines

Shota Watanabe has just dropped the music video for his new track Otononaruhoe, and it’s pure vibes! 

Directed by the ever-talented Hidenobu Tanabe, the video is a colourful celebration of life’s ups and downs, with a catchy beat and a disco-ball dream aesthetic.

The song, penned by Kenichi Sakamuro and MiNE, dives into the rollercoaster of emotions we all feel during the week. 

Monday blues? Check. 

Tuesday confusion? Double check. 

But when the chorus hits with its uplifting Dan Dan Di Gi Dan chant, you can’t help but feel ready to take on the world.

The video kicks off with Watanabe Shota chilling at home, waiting for the good vibes to roll in. 

Then, boom – a glamorous transformation. He’s rocking a sparkly outfit, dancing like no one’s watching under shimmering disco lights. It’s pure serotonin.

The lyrics remind us that life may have its rough days, but music and dreams are the ultimate cure. 

And trust Shota Watanabe to deliver that message with style – his moves, the visuals, and the infectious rhythm all come together perfectly.

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, give this video a watch. Let Shota  Watanabe’s boundless energy remind you to let loose, embrace the rhythm, and dance your way to your dreams.

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