Sugawara Maya Announced Graduation from SKE48

Sugawara Maya Announces SKE48 Graduation

Sugawara Maya from SKE48's Team E shocked fans today by announcing her graduation during the theatre performance on 5 February 2025. She’s set to leave the group on 31 August 2025.

In official statement, Sugawara Maya explained she wanted to inform fans early to make the most of the remaining time with them. 

She plans to cherish every moment and give her best effort before stepping down. 

The announcement follows her recent 10th anniversary as an idol.

Maya also revealed that her decision wasn’t made lightly, admitting it took months of consideration. 

“This is my 10th year as an idol. There were ups and downs, but I’m glad I made it this far. I hope to make the last few months memorable for everyone.”

Fans are now speculating if she will receive a graduation concert or special show, though such events are usually reserved for senior members. 

While nothing is confirmed, Maya’s supporters are eager to celebrate her journey properly.

Until her last performance, Maya Sugawara promises to stay committed to her fans, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support throughout her career. 

She also looks forward to meeting them at events, including the 34th single Tick Tack Zack handshake sessions.

Her catchphrase, "SKE48's first member from Tohoku, the E-girl from Miyagi Prefecture!" has been a staple of her idol persona since she joined Team E in 2015. 

Over the years, she’s left a lasting impression with her charm and dedication.

Though graduation is common in the 48 Group, it’s always bittersweet for fans. 

Maya’s announcement is no different, as fans prepare to bid farewell to an idol who’s been part of their lives for nearly a decade.

Maya’s final activity day is set for 31 August 2025, with fan letters and gifts accepted until 30 September 2025. 

She’ll also maintain her presence on the SKE48 blog, SHOWROOM, and SKE48 Mail until her departure.

As she takes her next steps, fans hope her future is as bright as the memories she created during her time in SKE48.

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