Suzuki Mob to Graduate from Nippon Wachacha

Suzuki Mob to Graduate from Nippon Wachacha

Big news for Nippon Wachacha fans—founding member Suzuki Mob is set to graduate from the group on 31st March 2025

The announcement came as a shock to many, but the idol has decided to take on new challenges beyond the group.

Suzuki Mob, known for her artistic talents and love for anime, has been with the group since the very beginning. 

With her signature blue image colour, she has made a lasting impact on fans and the group itself.

The official statement from the group's management revealed that Mob herself requested the graduation in January, saying she wanted to challenge herself in new ways. 

After discussions, the decision was finalised.

"She played a huge role in making Nippon Wachacha what it is today," the statement read. 

"While we’re sad to see her go, we hope everyone continues to support her future endeavours."

Suzuki Mob is not just an idol—she’s also a university student, balancing both worlds impressively. 

She has a passion for expressing her thoughts through art, photography, and videos

Her love for anime, especially Mob Psycho 100 and Pandora Hearts, has been a core part of her identity.

Fans will have time to say their goodbyes, as more graduation-related events and details will be announced soon. 

For now, let's cherish the time left with Suzuki Mob in Nippon Wachacha.

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