Takei Emi Gives Birth to 3rd Child with EXILE TAKAHIRO

TAKAHIRO & Takei Emi’s 3rd Daughter Arrives

EXILE TAKAHIRO and Takei Emi have just dropped some lovely news – they’ve welcomed their third kiddo, a baby girl! 

The happy couple shared that both mum and baby are doing absolutely grand, and they’re over the moon with their growing family.  

The pair, who tied the knot back in September 2017, are already parents to two little girls – their first born in March 2018 and their second in March 2022. 

Now, with baby number three in the mix, it’s all about cosy family vibes and cherishing those precious moments.  

In a joint statement, TAKAHIRO and Takei said, “We’re thrilled to let you all know that our third daughter has arrived safely. Mum and baby are both healthy, and we’re so grateful for all the support we’ve had. We’re just soaking up the joy of this new life and looking forward to the days ahead as a family of five.”  

Takei’s agency, Oscar Promotion, also chipped in with a quick note, saying, “We’re happy to share that Takei Emi has given birth to her third child. As this is a private matter, we won’t be sharing further details, but we appreciate your understanding and continued support.”  

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