the pillows announce disbandment today

J-Rock legends the pillows announce disbandment

J-Rock legends the pillows have officially called it quits. The band announced their disbandment today, 1st February, through their official website.

Their final gig as a trio—Sawao Yamanaka (vocals, guitar), Yoshiaki Manabe (guitar), and Shinichiro Sato (drums)—took place on 31st January at KT Zepp Yokohama in Kanagawa.

In their farewell message, the band expressed deep gratitude to their fans, saying, “These years have been a truly memorable journey, and it’s all thanks to the fans.”

Formed in 1989, the pillows made their debut in 1991 with Ame ni Utaeba and recently celebrated their 35th anniversary in September 2024.

Their legacy in Japanese rock, particularly their influence on anime soundtracks like FLCL, remains undeniable. Fans worldwide are now mourning the end of an era.

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