Tian Xiwei’s Agency Issues Privacy Breach Warning

Tian Xiwei’s Agency Issues Privacy Breach Warning

Tian Xiwei’s company has stepped up to address a serious privacy breach involving the actress. 

Recently, some overzealous fans, often called sasaengs, went too far, stalking Tian Xiwei’s filming locations and even tracking her home.

In a strongly worded statement, the agency confirmed that personal information about Tian Xiwei had been stolen and shared online. 

This has caused significant distress to the actress, both in her personal and professional life.

The company cited multiple laws from China’s civil and criminal codes to highlight the seriousness of these actions. 

They pointed out that such behaviour violates articles 111 and 1034 of the Civil Code and article 42 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. 

It may also be classified as a criminal offence under article 253 of the Criminal Law, which prohibits the illegal acquisition of personal information.

The agency declared two key actions to tackle the issue:

  1. They warned offenders to stop their invasive actions immediately and delete any leaked content.
  2. They confirmed evidence has been collected, and legal action will be taken to defend Tian Xiwei’s rights.

The statement ended with a plea for public cooperation, urging fans and netizens to respect others’ privacy and work together to create a safer online space.

Tian Xiwei’s fans have rallied behind her, demanding that the agency follow through with legal action to set an example and protect other artists from similar invasions.

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