UtaGe! Member Ichinose Shizuku Leaves Due to Health

UtaGe! Member Ichinose Shizuku Leaves Due to Health

On January 30, UtaGe! announced that Ichinose Shizuku would be leaving the group due to her diagnosis of adjustment disorder. 

This decision came after a heartfelt request from Ichinose herself, as confirmed by the group in an official statement on their social media.

Though Ichinose had been dealing with symptoms for a while, a recent medical consultation confirmed the diagnosis. 

After discussions about her health and the group's future, it was decided she would step down as of January 30. 

The group expressed deep apologies to fans and all involved, assuring that the remaining six members would continue with their activities starting January 31. 

Fans were encouraged to continue supporting both Ichinose and the group during this difficult time. 

UtaGe! reassured everyone that their journey would go on with the remaining members.

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