Wu Lei & Zhao Lusi: Third Pairing or Publicity Stunt?

Wu Lei & Zhao Lusi: Third Pairing or Publicity Stunt?

Rumours are flying again! Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi, the iconic on-screen couple from The Long Ballad and Love Like the Galaxy, are being linked to a potential third collaboration. 

Naturally, fans of “Wu Lu Ke Tao” have exploded with excitement.

Weibo was buzzing this morning, with CP (couple pairing) fans sharing comments like:

  • “OMG, it’s happening again! My dreams are coming true!”
  • “Wu Lu Ke Tao forever! Keep those emotions rolling!”
  • “This will blow us away if true. Please make it real!”

But, as with all things internet, not everyone’s sold. 

Wu Lei & Zhao Lusi Deny Latest Collaboration Buzz

Some skeptics called it a PR stunt, doubting whether such rumours benefit either actor. 

One user even brought up Wu Lei’s reputation, saying, "He’s praised for his professionalism—don’t let rumours ruin that."

While many are nostalgic for their chemistry, others suggest both stars should focus on individual growth, picking unique and high-quality projects instead of falling back on familiar pairings.

And what’s the verdict? 

Official reps for both actors have slammed the rumours as “completely false,” labelling the buzz as yet another internet hoax.

Whether it’s a drama or a PR stunt, one thing’s for sure: fans aren’t ready to let go of “Wu Lu Ke Tao” anytime soon.

Stay tuned—because you never really know in showbiz!

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