Ye Ke and Huang Xiaoming Faked Breakups Exposed

Huang Xiaoming Faking His Breakup from Ye Ke?

Huang Xiaoming Faking His Breakup from Ye Ke? Netizens Aren’t Buying It

So, here’s the tea: Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming (46) and influencer Ye Ke (32) are at it again—this time sparking theories about a “staged breakup.” 

Back in November, the couple announced their split, but Ye Ke's sudden baby bump had fans side-eyeing their timeline.

Now, things have escalated. 

Recently, Ye Ke was spotted with Xiaoming and his parents during a traditional “Wandering Gods” procession in Fujian. 

She stood out with a white hat, a loose coat, and a very noticeable eight-month bump. 

Ye Ke and Huang Xiaoming Faked Breakup Exposed Again

Despite her best efforts to stay three metres away, the internet detectives weren’t fooled.

Even Huang Xiaoming tried playing it cool by editing Ye Ke’s face out of his Weibo videos, adding captions and blurs to avoid suspicion. Did it work? Not at all.

Ye Ke and Huang Xiaoming’s Split Was All a Lie

Fans are calling the breakup a cover-up to save Xiaoming’s image after Ye Ke’s controversies. 

“Why bother faking it if you’re always seen together?” joked one user. 

Ye Ke, Huang Xiaoming: Fake Breakups & Real Baby Bumps

Others suggested Xiaoming should invest in better disguises: “Just stick a sign on his face that says ‘I don’t know her.’”

Whether they’re protecting their privacy or fooling no one, this “breakup” is definitely giving reality-show vibes. Fake or not, netizens are eating it up!

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