Zhao Lusi Crowned Queen of Commercial Value

Zhao Lusi Crowned Queen of Commercial Value

Zhao Lusi just scored the crown as the it-girl of commercial value, leaving some big names in the dust. 

Yep, she’s officially the Mandarin entertainment scene's most bankable star. 

Veteran powerhouses like Yang Mi and Yang Zi? Nah, she’s got them beat.

Chinese's Female Actress Endorsement Rank: 

Chinese Female star actress endorsement numbers

This ranking, cooked up by the media portal 163 (massive props to NetEase for the deets), has shocked just about everyone. 

Fans and brands are obsessed, and Zhao’s bagging luxury deals left, right, and centre. 

Versace, Bulgari, Guerlain—you name it, she’s repping it.

At 27, with her sweet-as-candy looks, Zhao is smashing it. 

Remember her from "The Romance of Tiger and Rose" or "Love Like the Galaxy"? 

Those roles didn’t just make her a household name; they made brands queue up to work with her. 

She’s racked up 20+ contracts in 2024 alone.

Yang Mi, who’s usually top of the pile, had to settle for second, even though she’s got luxury deals like Estee Lauder and Loewe under her belt. 

And Dilraba Dilmurat, Liu Shishi, and the others? 

They’re trailing behind too.

But, of course, the internet’s buzzing with mixed takes. 

Some critics reckon Zhao hasn’t fully "earned" the top spot, throwing shade about her missing out on big-league car and phone ads. Is she really number one? Guess the debate’s just getting started.

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