"Almost Lover" Cancelled? Zhao Lusi’s Drama Filming Won’t Resume

"Almost Lover" Cancelled? Zhao Lusi’s Drama Filming Won’t Resume

Rumours are flying that Zhao Lusi’s drama Almost Lover might never see the light of day.  

The actress, who recently returned from a health-related hiatus, is now at the centre of speculation about whether filming will ever continue.

The drama was put on hold last year after Zhao Lusi was hospitalised due to dissociative disorder and anxiety. 

At the time, her condition was severe, making it impossible for her to continue. 

However, after months of recovery, she seems to be back to full health, actively participating in live streams and brand promotions.

Despite her visible comeback, there has been no word about her return to Almost Lover

Director Deng Ke has reportedly been replaced, while co-star Peng Guanying has also stayed silent. 

Meanwhile, the drama’s official Weibo and Zhao Lusi’s agency, Galaxy Cool Entertainment, have not addressed the situation.

This silence is making fans increasingly doubtful. In the entertainment industry, actors might wait, but the production crew cannot. 

It's been nearly three months since filming stopped, and crew members likely need to move on to other projects.

There is also speculation that Zhao Lusi is using this situation to renegotiate or even terminate her contract with Galaxy Cool Entertainment. 

If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be a simple matter of paying compensation—especially since the agency itself is one of the drama’s producers. 

If Almost Lover is officially cancelled, the financial losses could be significant, not just for the agency but also for Youku, the drama’s main producer.

Industry influencers have chimed in, stating that if Zhao Lusi refuses to return, she may have to pay compensation. 

However, the bigger issue is the impact on other actors and crew members, many of whom depend on the project for their livelihoods. 

Some critics argue this situation highlights a lack of commitment from her management.

For now, no official confirmation or denial has been issued. 

Whether Almost Lover resumes filming or remains in limbo, one thing is clear—this drama’s real-life behind-the-scenes story is proving just as intense as anything on screen

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