BE:FIRST to Headline NHK Special 'THE SHOW'

BE:FIRST to Headline NHK Special 'THE SHOW'

BE:FIRST is set to take the spotlight in NHK’s exclusive special, BE:FIRST presents THE SHOW

This studio performance, crafted specifically for NHK, will be a seamless showcase of the group’s top-tier dance moves, powerhouse vocals, and dynamic rap skills—all in one uninterrupted spectacle.

Fans can expect a high-energy experience featuring all seven members: SOTA, SHUNTO, MANATO, RYUHEI, JUNON, RYOKI, and LEO. 

This marks another major milestone for BE:FIRST following their impressive three-year streak at Kohaku Uta Gassen and their wildly successful four-dome tour across Japan.

But that’s not all—BE:FIRST is gearing up for their first-ever world tour, spanning the U.S., Europe, and Asia from April to July. 

BE:FIRST to Headline NHK Special 'THE SHOW'

With their global ambitions in full swing, this NHK special offers a glimpse into the group's current artistry before they take their explosive performances worldwide.

Broadcast Schedule:

  • BS8K: March 31 (Mon) – 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM

  • NHK General TV: May 3 (Sat, Holiday) – 11:00 PM to 11:44 PM

  • BS/BSP4K: May 11 (Sun) – 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM (midnight Saturday)

BE:FIRST presents THE SHOW is set to be an unmissable event for fans, delivering an intimate yet electrifying stage unlike anything seen before.

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