Did Wu Jinyan and Hong Yao Secretly Have a Baby?

Did Wu Jinyan and Hong Yao Secretly Have a Baby?

Looks like the cat’s finally out of the bag! Wu Jinyan and her husband, Hong Yao, were recently spotted leaving a hospital with a baby pram in tow, sparking fresh buzz about their rumoured little one.

The notoriously private couple have kept everyone guessing since their surprise wedding in September 2024. 

Fans speculated that the Story of Yanxi Palace star was expecting, especially after she was seen sporting a baby bump multiple times. 

Whispers soon followed that she’d quietly given birth to a baby girl in November—but the pair never addressed the chatter.

Now, months later, a hospital sighting seems to have done all the talking for them. 

Paparazzi Zhang Xiaohan, aka “Melon Eating Girl,” captured the moment Wu Jinyan and Hong Yao arrived for what appeared to be a postpartum check-up. 

The actress, dressed head-to-toe in black, looked noticeably slim as she walked with her husband to meet a nanny, who was pushing a pram.

Then came the biggest clue—a female doctor approached them, chatting with Wu Jinyan about what seemed like postpartum recovery. 

The couple then took an elevator inside the hospital and reappeared three hours later. 

This time, Hong Yao was the one pushing the pram, with the nanny by his side, while Wu Jinyan continued her conversation with the doctor before they left together.

No official confirmation yet, but after this, it’s hard to believe the rumours weren’t true! 

Meanwhile, Wu Jinyan is gearing up for her big return to acting in April, following her hit 2024 drama The Double

Safe to say, it’s been a pretty eventful year for the star!

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