Fuji TV Hit by Lawsuit Over Nakai Masahiro Scandal Mishandling

Fuji TV Hit by Lawsuit Over Nakai Scandal Mishandling

Fuji TV is in hot water again, and this time, it’s not just bad press—it’s a full-blown shareholder lawsuit. 

The broadcaster's parent company, Fuji Media Holdings (FMH), is facing a massive legal battle over its handling of the Masahiro Nakai scandal.

A group of shareholders has filed a lawsuit against 15 current and former executives, demanding a staggering 23.3 billion yen (around $155 million USD) in damages. 

Their argument? 

Fuji TV’s failure to properly address Nakai’s personal dispute earlier this year cost the company big time.

Fuji TV Hit by Lawsuit Over Nakai Masahiro Scandal Mishandling

The controversy kicked off when reports surfaced about Nakai’s involvement in a personal issue. 

Fuji TV’s response (or lack thereof) sparked outrage, and now shareholders claim the network’s weak internal controls led to a drop in advertising revenue.

This lawsuit comes right on the heels of a major shake-up at FMH. 

On March 27, longtime executive Hisashi Hieda stepped down, officially ending his decades-long reign over the company. 

But his departure hasn't put an end to the drama. In fact, he’s one of the 15 names listed in the lawsuit, along with former Fuji TV president Koichi Minato.

An independent committee report, expected by the end of March, could shake things up even more. 

If it finds major failings in Fuji TV’s internal system, the compensation demands could skyrocket.

The backlash has already hit the network hard. Sponsors are pulling out, productions are facing delays, and now, with a courtroom battle looming, Fuji TV is in deeper trouble than ever.

With no clear resolution in sight, the big question remains—can Fuji TV recover, or is this the beginning of a downward spiral?


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