J-Pop Duo Nyanpuri to Disband This June

Nyanpuri to Disband This June

Sad news for J-Pop fans—Nyanpuri, the idol duo from Nagoya, has announced their disbandment. 

Formed just last year, the group will officially call it quits on 30 June 2025.

Nyanpuri, consisting of Nekomiya Sui (Cool Color) and Himeka Momo (Warm Color), made their stage debut on 19 September 2024 at Nagoya RAD HALL. 

But despite their promising start, their journey will be short-lived. 

The announcement was made on 28 March 2025, during a performance, leaving fans shocked.

In an official statement, Binky Company explained that the duo’s exclusive contract with Musukono Production will expire at the end of June. 

While no specific reasons were given, the agency expressed deep gratitude to the fans and apologised for the sudden news.

To give their supporters a proper farewell, Nyanpuri will hold a final concert on 30 June 2025. Further details on the event will be shared soon.

With just three months left, fans are encouraged to cherish every moment with Sui and Momo before they part ways. 

Though their time as a duo is short, Nyanpuri has left a mark on the J-Pop scene, and their final performance is sure to be an emotional one.

Stay tuned for more updates on their farewell concert!


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